Saturday, April 14, 2007

Nothing Gonna Stop Us Now

1320hrs...we hav been trekking for the past 2an a half hours and we are still going strong. There were many obstacles in our path.
We could be ascending a gentle or tough path or decending some steep slope but our spirits were high. Occasionally we would have to manouver some fallen trees and brush or managing some very delicate broken branches which may crumble under our weight and hurl us down the slope and break something. As spirited as we were, we remain very cautious.

No bleeding leg was gonna stop us either. We remain determined. Meow is still bleeding after the leach dropped off after taking it's fill. Leaches secrete an anti-coagulant when they suck on you. Keeps the blood flowing no matter how thick your cholesterol may be. So it was free flow for Meow till we reached camp.
Fresh elephant dung was also in our path. Not smelly like their human counterparts. They are the size of a small football. In these here parts the elephant is known as Orang Besar...big man. That explains the big shit.
It's our first day...we are running on high spirits, fresh andrenalin plus fuelled by excitement.



Blogger Vegie said...

Looks like quite a steep descend. I would have freaked out ;)

7:04 PM  
Blogger pathfinder said...

There was one part whr i thot of was frickin steep. Even we had our nuts up to our throat.

3:53 AM  

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