Sunday, December 18, 2011

Yonder Horizon

At times when all seem lost or uphill, as i was, i would seek solace in the peace and serenity of nature and ponder the predicament that i am in. I do my best to withhold judgement and observe it from all angles and perspective. It is by no means an easy feat as i sometimes react to the circumstance and I bitch and whine. When calmness settles in I look yonder and I see the lovely ship called MY LIFE anchored by the bay waiting to haul anchor and sail on.

My strength lies in the calmness that i can call upon when chaos visits me and this has averted me from taking hasty actions and throw all caution to the wind and react to circumstances. It has also given me the opportunity to explore other options available to me, possibilities which may have been left unexplored were it not for the predicament i find myself in. So now i have swam towards the good ship MY LIFE and am charting a new course. I am pulling out "my maps and charts" and working on the next direction/course which i will sail towards, at the same time doing maintenance works to MY LIFE.

Works are in progress and i can't wait to set sail on this new course...borne out of an appreciation for MY LIFE.


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