Saturday, April 18, 2009


How is ones existence dependant on others? Such is the question that muddles my puny mind. Ponderings have concluded that such existence is temporal...ESPECIALLY when one's existence is at the whims and fancies of others.

I am experiencing the life of a live in grace and beauty for a short period of time and on a whim my existence ceases. I become Nothing! What do i do? Do i blow away on the winds of time and be a memory or do i melt into the soil and BE part of the recycling process and create again...

Either way life flows...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tides of Change

Change comes to all. It doesn't choose it's victims nor is it biased. When she blows in we will just need to embrace it and how we deal with it is what makes the difference. Be it the economic climate, loss of a loved one, relationship status you name it. It affects everything and yet it is not responsible for anything....We are! We are responsible to move on from the situation and what we choose will demand the greatest of our strength & courage, but move on we must or we will just stay and wilt away.

Strength & Courage!


Planting a Forest for My Princess

Princess and family came too. Her Royal Pinkness & the LandRover Guy wants their children to BE and also to experience this massive greening event.

HRP really went out of her way to show to her 2 babies that IS for them! As in my element as i am in bogs, waterways, jungles, hot blazing sun, sweaty armpits and nether regions...THIS is SO NOT HRP's element, but i salute her for her commitment in making a difference for her babies and the future generations...and SHE still doesn't get her white tee dirty!!! Damn! How does she do it??? I give up!
The LandRover Guy, HRP (look at her tee...) & Baby Kangaroo planting for the future.