Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A New Dawn

Waking up to a new dawn, a new place, a new environment...a new chapter in my life.

It could not have been more graphic than this. I have been living my life experiencing the very moments and conscious of the very changes in the environment that i live in. I experience the great divide between where i was and where i am in this very moment. I experience the fear of letting go, the excitement of the unknown...well i lie, i feel the fear of the unknown too, and OWTF...here i am! Stepped out of the box, feeling the cool chilly air breezing through my hair folicles, caressing my skin which transports the chill up my spine. I breathe... I am not dead yet. I am...alive. I sensed it in my partner too but she says nothing. She is the cool, silent type...well actually more like GI Jane. She will grit her teeth and do what she wants and then...

We are slowly adjusting to this new environment, well i am. So is Charlie.

My New Garden

Wow! Never knew so much time has passed since my last blog. It's been one long hiatus. Lately have been busy with moving.

Moving is never one of my favorite thing to do. It's a struggle to let go of old things, of things that i have been comfortable with for more than a decade. It is a struggle to leave my humble abode even though i am moving into a nice new place to call home. I guess i'm lousy at letting go of my comfort zone, so lousy that it literally took me right up to the very last minute to pack my things. I still have some more things there which i have not taken and i know i can't take them all even though i would love to. I know that letting go of some of the stuff will not be easy but eventually i will have to surrender and let them go.

I guess i am not the only one that feels this way as Charlie has been roaming our new place as if lost. The few plants that i managed to bring is the only reminder of his once vast Kingdom. We now both have to start building our new Kingdom. We have now both stepped out of our comfort zone and into the wild blue yonder.

A new journey awaits. A new garden to build.