Wednesday, October 01, 2008


After we left mom and uncle wah at the hospital we headed for dinner. Barbi was cancelled on account of the events that lead to this dinner.

Joshua was asking mummy (sue) why Uncle Wah was sick. Sue mentioned that Uncle Wah had cancer of the liver and he is very very sick that's why we had to go to the hospital and that's also why we did not have the barbi tonite. Accepting all this joshua had one more question...

"What's a liver mummy? What does it look like?"

Mummy couldn't explain it to Joshua's satisfaction hence he kept asking many more variations to this one question. Even small ee (jo) and Uncle Jeffrey couldn't explain or draw it for him. We were hopelessly trying to manouver out of it but he would not give up. We wished...I wished Uncle James was around. He would know how to confuse and satisfy Joshua's question. Only Uncle James could have saved mummy, ee ee & Uncle Jeffrey the blushes.

Who asked you not to pay attention when in school???
Hor hor teacher mary scold...



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