I realised that when i'm with my friends from elpee there's not much i can hide or rather much that we can hide from each other. We can sit and chat the night away and if something is amiss someone will notice. It's not that elpees are clairvoyants or shit like that but i realised that elpees are more sensitive to one anothers' Being and can sense if something is amiss with another. How do i know? Well...last nite as i was downing my Guinness Stout, Jyn pops me a question... "So what's been goin on? You seem down of late..." Before this i did not think that i was...but that was definately my experience. It was like i was awaken from my gloom as the faery princess snapped her fingers. Made me Stop & Look into Me. A flurry of messages of support and more questions as to the WHY of my current gloom came across my Maxis supported phone made me look deeper into myself as i seeked my answer. My experience was exposed.
Now...would i have thought of it if not for her questioning? I don't think so. Sometimes it takes someone or something to stop us in our treks in life and pops us the question and have us BE in the Question such that we will have the opportunity to STOP, LOOK & CHOOSE. Do i now know what Bugged me? Yes i do and it's a WIP.
I thank God for the friends i have and elpee for bringing us together.
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