Monday, April 30, 2007


Distractions are good. Makes one stop and look and sometimes even listen to ones heartbeat. Trekking for 5 days straight and focusing on Kuala Tahan which is many more kilometres and 2 more days away can be rather exhausting and sometimes even painful. Physical pain is one thing...mentally it can be very challenging.

Life is pretty much the same. Notice how in our chase for our goals we go thru a similar cycle. First there is the nervousness as we declare our intended goals. To lend a phrase from Yul Brynner in the Ten Commandments, "So it is said, so shall it be done!" As we set out there is all that excitement of finally having it take off and as we climb and climb the challenges in life gets bigger and bigger. Many will be the obstacles that stand in the way and along the path. Through the strength of faith and a solid belief that it should be done...something within screams out and pushes and sometimes pulls us along the path to our dream and goals. As much as we want to get there as fast as we can we too need to stop and take a breather. Perhaps just to check in or maybe take a rest...not too long just a wee bit to catch our breath and off we go again.

And this tiny pitcher plant nestling in a hole right in the middle of a tree trunk distracted me from my course and allowed me this moment...and i manage to catch a breather too.



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