Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Warrior Knows...

"The Warrior knows that he is free to choose his desires, and makes the decisions with courage, detachment, and sometimes with a touch of madness" Paulo Coelho.

Sometimes when i think long and hard at the choices i have made, it makes me wonder if i made the right choice... It is during these times that things are a bit crazy and i replay my life choices over and over in my head and moments like these gives me down moments, and yet at the same time this little voice reminds me..."It is a choice you made, nobody put a gun to your head...oink!" Immediately it removes the downer and i stand in the present and look at the choices i have ahead of me.

Today and the many days before this i am living this moment till i chanced upon this quote by one whom i regard as a master and my heart stills...


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