Tuesday, August 18, 2009


As i mentioned it has been a crazy week and i don't think the craziness will subside anytime soon. It has to go though it's own rite of passage and i have to go thru mine. It's coming wave after wave and i stand and listen & hearing the murmurs of the heart, the voices of one and also the voices of the many and i take it all in and wonder...
What do i do next?


Talk talk talk talk...there's been a lot of it lately. No good no bad...just loads of feedback. Much information to process and much to ponder on. Much to reflect and new choices to make.

It's been that sort of a week for me. There's been much of venting, bitching and all that shit by me too...much is there to clear from this system of mine. Everybody has their opinion of how things should be, ought to be and only way to be and I have Mine. Conflicting as it may seem and will always be thru time eternal. Thing is we will always have our own opinions based on our life history cos that is where our learnings and experience has brought us.

Be it right or wrong is left to the experiencing.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Fearless Roo

It's August in a blink of an eye and 9 months have past since i met this Fearless Roo. In this time i have been to Phuket, Redang and it's depths, Langkawi & even Jakarta...which i would not want to go back again unless it was absolutely necessary.

Much have i wanted to blog about the destinations and my experience but i can't seem to sit still long enough to do so. I am now doing my best to blog as much as i can but alas some of the experience is as they say...moment over, hence it will probably not see the light of day unless some moment of inspiration evokes in me a desire to do so otherwise...it will be as it is. Most of these places and experiences are in a part of my relationship with the Fearless Roo. Just as in the picture, she is in real life...Fearless. She would nonchalantly jump off a waterfall, a yatch and swim round the house reef of Redang Reef Resort without fear. Shark dive with the Great Whites is not a bother, what more chasing after 5ft long white tips to get a shot on her underwater Olympus. The Sea is her passion. I love the beach but she has opened me to the beauties of the sea and i owe my diving to her. She has expanded my world.

Is there anything she Fears...i wonder.
