Sawadeekap from Phuket
At an age where i think i have seen most of everything, meet people from all walks of life, dated the many, romanced even more, broken the hearts of most and come through bearing scars of my own in the many failed relationships. Such was the devastation in my path that i have even pondered a solitary life, be a lone wolf, enjoy the company of many and live a free and easy life commiting myself to no one. Such was the pain of my guilt till life throws me one last rope. I could use this rope to pull myself together and climb my highest peak or hang myself with it. I was given a lifeline.
On Dec 3rd (My i know the significance of this number in my accidents eh?) my world took a left turn. On what was to be one LAST date as commited to one other decades old friend, my life took that turn with my world and we both stepped left and know that a new choice, a new journey, an adventure awaits.
I took a deep breath...
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