Wednesday, January 09, 2008

What's Cooking?

Since i cleaned up my kitchen and cooked my first Hainanese Chicken Rice i have been inspired to cook some more.

It was a Sunday evening sumandak and i had just finished attending Ayu's wedding lunch and we decided to go window shopping and ended up shopping for vege to cook for dinner. Normally we would just eat out but the bug had hit and we just decided to cook. Suddenly feeling domesticated i suppose. I hope that's the right word for it.

We bought some chicken fillet and a bitter gourd to cook for dinner. My contribution for dinner was the fu kua kai and sumandak's was steam chicken leg.

We are not great cooks but it's simple and edible and we had a great time preparing and cooking and having dinner together.

Now this new experience that we are both having is something new to both of us. We have never done this before. It's nice and warm experience. Doesn's say much? Well that's all i can express...want to know exactly how it feels? Go get a guy or gal and cook together and experience the experience!
Nuff said!


Blogger Black Monet said...

Wooohoooo! Izzit wedding bells I'm hearing?? WEll,It's certainly sweet. Enjoy la...
Very jealous now coz all I do now is sweat in the kitchen and scream and beg for them to come to the table :(

8:42 AM  
Blogger pathfinder said...

I don't know about the wedding thing but i experienced a different sort of connection. I'm sure when marriage and kids come along i'll be sweating and swearing and screaming for all to come to the table. Think i'll go get a bell! :)

8:08 PM  
Blogger Shamini said...

You progressing well... wedding bells or not (but it would be nice to see you getting married)... nice to see and hear you soooooo happy ! My offer to be chi mui still stands ... but i think the rest of the girls will hate me though ... i will cepat cepat open the f*#@ door so that we can get on with the ceremony already ! God knows we have been waiting long enough !

5:26 PM  

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