Thursday, January 18, 2007

Writings on the Wall

June 16, 1959 the author of this rock face mentioned something about the water rising up to this level...which was pretty high up the cave chamber. What do i know, i belong to the group of caveman affectionately known as keng cheo lang. Anyway that's what i think it is, cos being sweepers we miss the guide's explanations and stories.

Here are some irresponsible spelunkers leaving graffiti behind. Sad to say most of these are left by our Malaysian public who have no respect for preservation.

Much of this cave ceiling is also filled with graffiti amidts the stalactites.

Nutty Nat had the privilege of reading a pledge written on the cave wall by communist insurgents during the insurgency. Apparently Chin Peng's right-hand man, the late Rashid Mydin made this chamber his command post, fighting the Japs, the British and plotting the fall of Malaya.
We walked right through history...


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