Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Penang Hill

april 29th, 2006...5 of us decided to trek up Penang Hill. Adrian, Alice & Weni who just came off the awlp eco challenge about 2 weeks ago. William & I, were just off taking some wonderful people on their outdoor weekend to FRIM a week ago. So i guess we were rather gung ho about the whole thing.

We had a good serving of yee thau mai fun before being dropped off at Moon Gate. Packed with only water and some M&M's my crew (those grinning crazy buggers on the left) and I began our trek. The weather was good and most importantly the company was good too. We didn't know the trail but we went on like we did. Only crazy people do shit like that. We asked the regular trekkers for directions as we got higher. Very helpful uncles on the trail. For them it was like kacang puteh only. We were not too bad either just not as fit as them. Weather was good. It was humid. Not too hot but still we were dehydrated about 1/3 of the way up. See what happens when you have no water...you beg for it! On your knees girl! I had to feed her thus only b'cos she didn't want to contaminate my water as she has a cold. I am not a sadist if that's what you think.

M&M's came in handy when we got drained. Gave me my much needed energy. My picnic bar was a great help too. Never trek without them. Since we were greenhorns in the area, the uncles gave us directions to follow. "Follow trek 84" he says, and we trusted our lifes to him. He wouldn't lie we reckon. Trekkers are always helpful in that way. They also give you choices...the hard way up or the harder way up.

So trek 84 we took and we being adventurous that day...took the scenic way up. Normally the scenic route for a trekker means the tougher way but always worth the trek. We have always...so far, taken the scenic route. That's why we bought them cameras right? That's why we trek right? The air got cooler and we were refreshed. We stopped almost every step to take pictures of everything. Fungi, ferns, pitcher plant, tree trunks, trees and feathers. Now this is no chicken feather i tell you. This i know. What feather it is...i don't know. You gotta ask the khua chiau people. I think it's an eagles'. Very careless bird, loosing his feather like that.

Finally we came to checkpoint 84 where there was a hut for trekkers to re-hydrate themselves. We asked the apek where best to go and he told us to follow the tar road as there are many kaos on the jungle trail so we stoopidly listened to him lor. Walking the tar road is a painful experience. I would rather have faced the kaos. Hut 84 where we listened to apek's hao siao. That's what we thought while walking the final 3km up anyway. Finally we arrived at the peak at 1333hrs.

April 29th, we peaked Bukit Bendera 720m above sea level. A wonderful way to celebrate a weekend and also to stand on top of Penang and wish... Happy Birthday Whirlwind Wendy! Lotsa love and sunshine kisses to you!


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