Sunday, November 07, 2010

Life is Beautiful & Mysterious...

Like the jellyfish, such a graceful, beautiful, mysterious and yet possibly lethal being, treat it with care and the respect and you will enjoy and experience it's beauty in all it's awesomeness and wonder. Life is like that too. There's much we don't know that we don't know about ourselves but if we learn to listen & respect ourselves... mind, body and spirit we will begin to experience the beauty that is in everyone of us.

Thursday, November 04, 2010


Last week saw me embarking on a new journey...taking up a course in Neuro Linguistic Programme. Sounds deep? Well that's b'cos it is deep. Kinda like understanding the bodily functions and life of a jellyfish. The week that was, covered approximately 28hrs of cerebral stretching. This week will conclude the programme which will take another 28hrs and by the end i will be a certified NLP practitioner.

Hmm...sounds like one more step to being a Sorcerer's Apprentice.