Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Boathouses...they fascinate me. Truth be told everything fascinates me about this city but i love their boathouses. They all have their individual characters. I was fortunate to peek into a couple of them and found cosy little dwellings within...of course that's nothing strange, after all most Amsterdam houses are rather small but cosy. There was a boathouse that was walled with books as in a library. All i could see through it's windows were books. i was more expecting some gorgeous undressed babe walkin about but no such luck.

I am not a weirdo that peeps into peoples houses but i was curious as to what it looked like inside. I have always harboured the dream of one day living in a boathouse. Well this was and is to happen if I do not get married or if i happen to marry at Rosa's. WW...Don't you even go there!

There were so many interesting boathouses when i was on de gracht cruise. Some are for rent. They are all legally docked by the embankments of the canal. Once it was illegal for them to do so but after much lobbying the government relented and we get this beautiful sight. You can find them lining the embankments of the canal looking pretty in their very own way. Rather romantic...


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