Saturday, May 17, 2008


The next casualty happened not far from the first. This time it was worse. WT was stung by a salt licking, attention seeking bee and within minutes she started having reactions to the sting. Her leg, where the bee had stung began swelling and soon her body was engulfed with rashes that were swelling from head to toe. In minutes she began to look like The Thing from Fantastic Four.

Lucky she had Russel to medicate her. That definately helped elevate the healing.
Like a brave soldier, she chose to continue and head for the peak in the state she was in...she was itching all over by this time. We were at this point halfway up, so we were in limbo. Neither up nor down. We waited for her decision. If she had said STOP! We would have headed down but like a trooper she didn't want to let us down and give up.
She chose to continue! Forza!

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