Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My Mobile Bitch

Lately i have been contributing tremendously towards Maxis' coffers and i do wish Maxis' coverage is a little better than it promises...especially in my office.

On my weekly treks in FRIM service is still pretty cool but when it comes to my office it SUCKS! Puta Madre! Pisses me off especially when a call comes in and the line breaks, cracks and what ever else it does. I can curse and swear till the plaster falls off my office ceiling and still i can't get shit. So when i'm at the office i divert my calls and i gotta pay for people calling me. Chibai! The techs say nothing can be done.

I bet you a certain Yellow Man might beg to differ!


Blogger LavenderFloret said...

lol, hav u ever tried calling to complain?

prolly has sumthing to do wif the office being near the kampung

12:20 AM  
Blogger gracetcp said...

tell the owner of the office building to allow the maxis folks to install the in-building equipment. the yellow man also can't do anything if they have no access to the building.

12:41 AM  

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